BG is a young awkward nine-year old African American boy who knows little about this new town his parents have just relocated to. The story starts immediately with BG's first week of school at Lucky Harris Elementary School, where BG's hopes of making new friends quickly fade as he enters the artless yet over populated school. Will BG ever make friends in this new and tropical town?
Cashapp: $adventureofbg
Venmo: Joe-Freeman-9
Hardback copies are $15 and softback copies are $12.
Cashapp: $adventureofbg
Venmo: Joe-Freeman-9
About the Author
Joe Freeman is a writer, father, and teacher. He is also a very adventuresome amateur explorer (though he has never actually knowingly discovered anything). Joe Freeman lives on the Eastside of Atlanta, Georgia, with his inquisitive therapist wife. He has three kids, one too cool for school (college student son), one seven year old overly athletic son and another very hands-on daughter.
He has three books in The Adventures of BG series.
The Adventures of BG follows BG and Big L as they both struggle to make sense of their quickly changing world. The children embark on a journey of healing and acceptance as they come to realize that one of their friends will forever be changed. Children may struggle with the uncertainty and inevitable change that occurs when a chronic illness affects someone they know, whether it’s a family member, a friend, or a beloved teacher.. Parents, grandparents, teachers, and social workers will find this book a frank but gentle tool for teaching inquiring minds and comforting tender hearts.
Cashapp: $adventureofbg
Venmo: Joe-Freeman-9
Meet the Illustrator
Lameek Wilson is a visual and graphic artist. He resides in Atlanta, GA. He has received numerous awards for his artwork including the Fifth Congressional District of Georgia High School Art Contest sponsored by Congressman John Lewis and the Invitational Art Education Fair Award. He has also illustrated several books.